Monday, September 22, 2014

New Favorite Colors

Diaper Clutch front
Inside diaper clutch, lined navy/white polka dots. Snap closure. Holds wipes case & few diapers
Carrier arm cushion; reversible with navy/white polka dot on reverse
Sweet teddy wearing infants long sleeve navy, appliqued onesie & jersey knit navy/gray striped knotted top baby hat.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Sweet little puppy dogs!
Puppy dogs; navy, aqua, gray.  Basket includes burp cloths, taggie blankie, carrier arm cushion, stuffed dog
carrier arm cushion
taggie blankie with a few puppy themed ribbons

Friday, September 12, 2014

Knotted Baby Hats……soooo CUTE!

small rugby stripe jersey knit; ask about other colors

For a little girl, jersey knit with little fabric flower. Other colors available.
Navy & gray stripe jersey knit